A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Sugary Fun!

Us FiGS girl leaders decided to have a sleepover night last night at L's place as a FiGS girls social.

It was lots of fun. My mum rarely allowed me to have or go over to sleepovers when I was a kid, so this was for me some childhood-catchup thing.

One of our aims this year is to provide opportunities outside of normal bible study time, for the girls to fellowship with each other on a social basis.

There were 16 girls crammed together in the house, stuffing themselves with pretty much anything with sugar in it:
Tim Tams, chocolate, freshly-baked cupcakes, icing sugar, 100s and 1000s at night
Pancakes, waffles and ice-cream for brekky in the morning

A girly sleepover would not be complete with some chick flick screenings- Ever After (the girls' choice pick) and then before midnight, us leaders decided to initiate the younglings to "Princess Bride".

(sorry Joshi, I didn't get to watch the Aus vs England cup match on TV)

Although by 12:30 I was starting to feel very sleepy and feeling my age. Man, these girls can talk, not sleep and still look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning!

I guess increasing their daily sugar intake dramatically over a 36 hour period had something to do with it!

1 comment:

Josh said...

hmmm i thought girls are very health and food conscious... *shrugs* maybe we will make manly steaks at the guys night XD