A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Week off

1st day of annual leave for a week.

28 hours to go til RICE 2009 kicks off in Brisbane!!
Still fighting a sore throat obtained at last weekend's staff retreat.

Been deciding what to do in this 'spare' week off:

-Hang out with Sydney people coming up for RICE
-Take them to the beach
-Head to any Gold Coast Theme Park
-Catch up with friends who have children
-Go to the dentist
-Get a haircut
-Get a massage

Well that's pretty much all I can squeeze in, amongst the awesomeness and craziness of RICE.

Bring on the transformation of kids lives and power of our Lord!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The attack is on

The spiritual attack that is.

Have taken quite a few hits already from Satan as RICE gets closer and closer. Firstly, He takes out one Big Day Out speaker, and appears to be in the process of taking out the 2nd speaker also. (wife has swine flu)

Only 2 weeks to go, how many more hits can we expect?

All of today's best laid plans did not happen at all, one way or another. A mere extra 15 minutes would have made all the difference. W is home with a cold so had to fill in his roles for the day and to top things right off, the work staff conference is next weekend, which takes out the entire weekend before E1.

Admin team is stressed about numbers and food team is anxious about quantities.

Plus I've misplaced that neighbourhood letter that MUST be letterbox-dropped next weekend. With the stupid work conference who on earth is going to do this???


At the end of the day I should have expected all these plans to be manipulated and destroyed by the evil one. He would raze RICE to the ground if he could, but he will not.

He will not deter us.
He will not stop us.
He will not tear us apart, because we have the full armour of God and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords fighting the fight with us. Whilst he will strike the heel, Our Lord will crush his head.

Will you pray for us? Pray that many young lives will be saved and turn to the Lord.

We only have 48 hours after RICE to ensure that this happens. Otherwise they will be lost and the oppportunity is gone.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

No Hot Water

For the past 2 weeks our hot water system has been dying a excruitiating death.

One night (around 9:30pm) we tried for 45 mins to get hot water. My theory was that somehow the old system would only work during the day, when the sun was out and actually warming up the old gas system. The system also wouldn't work in the mornings as the sun usually isn't up when we wake.

We tested this theory a few nights later, with W using our small fan heater to warm up the hot water system around 5:30pm when the sun was already down. 5 minutes later the hot water came. This also meant that we only had limited opportunity to use the bathroom. Therefore a highly effective system was created where one person would go first and then the other would take their place 3 minutes later.

This system was so effective that we were actually having trouble converting back, when a temporary electric system had been installed this week. The hot water comes so quickly I keep burning myself.

Our only problem now is that the electric system only allows 5 mins of hot water at any one time. Afterwards you have to wait for 20 minutes until the system heats up the water again.

Good to know that we are saving water, but for those wishing to stay with us who enjoy their 30 minute showers will have to make alternative arrangements :)

Not that anyone should be having 30 minute showers anyway *tsk* *tsk*
Water Restrictions.