A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Beach

It's been at least 4 years since I've swam at a beach. (Trying to paddle a canoe at Tangalooma or the occasional toe-dipping does not count)

What better way to celebrate Australia Day than going down to the beach of choice: Southport.

The waves were quite rough and strong for someone like me, although I was coaxed out into the deeper section of the waves so as to avoid the impact of the breaking waves on the shoreline. That did make a lot of sense.

However, that only lasted about 5 minutes, as I've forgotten how salty sea-water was, and whilst also feeling "bobbing water fatigue" starting to set in, I then allowed myself to be thrusted back to the seashore in a tumbling heap, to watch little kids on their boogie-boards riding the mini-waves.

Now you simply cannot go the beach without having a serving of freshly-made fish & chips.

We were bitterly disappointed however, to find out that Southport had nothing of the sort, apart from the Surf Club (which welcomed visitors, but not those in thongs or shorts), so therefore we had to be content with chicken & chips and sandwiches instead at a highly-inflated upmarket-ish convenience store.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Essence of Summer

Have just witnessed a rather profound event.
ODI Cricket Fever!

To truly embrace this, one has to understand that:

You must have patience (not only for the game, but also for those ppl constantly wanting to get past you, causing you to get up out of your seat, going for alcohol and overpriced meals every 15 minutes.)

Don't be alarmed when various chants arise, mostly in the form of obscene language abuse at the security guards on field and opposition team players.

Seeing people with various colourful headwear. (Most notably a bunch of guys wearing cut-out watermelons on their heads)

To pass time when the game is slow, to identify the many areas where beach balls, kangaroos, blow-up dolls, dolphins and Boonies are being thrown in the air, and subsequently going over the railing into the field and being confiscated by the security guards. (hence the abuse)

Being amused by a lone South African supporter in the stands being pelted with rubbish after a boundary is scored by the team.

Being even more amused when one spectator jumps the railing and sneaks into the area where the confiscated balls are placed, and throwing them back into the crowd, before sneaking back in and being booted out by the police.

Picking out the boys in blue who suss out one patron for throwing tennis balls all over the crowd, and seeing these donging onto people's heads.

Seeing those people in the licenced areas, trying to make a huge leaning tower made out of empty plastic beer cups.

And last of all...

Doing the mexican wave over and over again, with chips, and full cups of beer falling gracefully out of the sky and raining down on all unfortunate patrons below.

Luckily we were right up the top in the very back row in an UNLICENCED AREA, so we came out unscathed.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy 20,006 AD

I'm not sure if it was a typo, or there is some underlying meaning that I'm not aware of, but the first Unichurch bulletin on January 1 of said new year was dated:

1 January 20,006 AD.

Any valid explanation would be appreciated :D If it is simple, then yes, I would be a mushroom.

All these late nights I think are taking its toll, and rightly so when I go back to work today. Hmmph!

January every year has always had the reputation of being as busy as December. Namely due to camps. Whilst we only did a day visit to Tweed River Mission in late December, its either beach mission, CMS Summer School (yay!), QYC, KYLC, KYC. (yes, I know the last two mentioned are actually being held over the border with the Mexicans...*wink! but to prove my point.....they are camps!)

And January is also the time of..... ODI CRICKET!!!! January 15th should be fantastic, and hopefully we'll get a decent ODI match this time around at the Gabba.