A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Citizens Beware

be very very afraid...........

it walks................

it crawls...................

it runs........................

it shuffles...........................

and it s ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beware of the Snuffle Monster!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff sniff*

Monday, August 23, 2010

Special Powers

An email that I got from a friend today has led me to open up the floodgates and ask people what special powers they think would be cool if they were 'radioactive' for 3 days.

There must be cooler powers than just glowing green.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Never in my life would I have thought I would have to walk into a organic food store.

In the past 4 days, I've walked into 2 separate health food stores looking for egg substitutes, salt-free tomato sauce, salt-free mustard and some other ingredients I need to use for the 2 week low-iodine diet I start today, to prepare myself for radioactive iodine therapy at the RBWH in 2 weeks.

In both instances I came out emptyhanded.

I wasn't going to buy a 1.5kg tub of egg white powder for $40 and there was nothing there I found which was salt-free.

A clarification, I can have salt in my diet, just not sea salt, or iodised salt.

It is quite surprising to see how much stuff, even normal seasonings contain salt- in actual fact, there is alot of stuff that I cannnot eat which contains iodine or traces of iodine.

At least I can still have potatoes..............minus the potato skins :)