A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sublimally gassed

There's an awkward smell in the office here, that a workmate has pointed out this morning. Luckily I can't smell it in my 3-walled cubicle, however when I need to trot off to the printer the odour increases.

It apparently smells like a Korean BBQ, whatever that smells like. Almost like someone is gassing our part of the office, so we're all inhaling this substance/odour which could be fatal.

I don't think you can get rid of me that easily :D

As for those who thought of other potential office smells, shame on you!

Not sure of a Korean BBQ, but oh boy do I want a juicy steak....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Korean bbq is supposed to smell really nice... its probably... a dead animal?