A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Psychological beings

I have been thinking lately how a person can have mood swings in an instance. You can be bright and cheery one moment, and then self-destructing a few moments later.

Is this stress or a crazy mental state that needs medication?

Issues such as mental health, personal counselling sessions and psychiatric treatments are now included as benefits provided by private health insurance. There are Men's Health and Good Medicine magazines in the lunchroom at work. The topics that come up in almost every issue are stress relief, how to live a stress-free life, taking control of your life and free yourself from life's problems. Not to mention the craze of the year are low GI diets.

Is our society becoming a more stressful one? With work/family/life balance, demanding jobs, lack of sleep and not eating healthily, it's not surprising.
For example, I came home recently from being quite depressed for most of the day. Reasoning-feeling unwanted, unhelpful and doubting about what the future holds. I thought that blaming oneself for problems that may not be caused by you in the first place, and putting the weight of your burdens on yourself, rather than on someone else is better. I realised that in doing so, not only causes yourself to hurt, but also to those around you.

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