A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Monday, April 19, 2010

He's Back!

Doctor Who is Back!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Return of the Friday Funnies

A small selection of what came through emails at work today:


Two blondes were going to Disneyland . They were driving on the Interstate when they saw the sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started crying and turned around and went home.

I gave my son a hint. On his room door I put a sign "CHECKOUT TIME IS 18".


On my first day of school, my parents dropped me off at the wrong nursery. There I was...surrounded by trees and bushes.

And last but not least...

I married my wife for her looks... but not the ones she's been giving me lately!

Friday, April 09, 2010

It's oh so quiet

Been quiet at work the last couple of weeks.

As a result have been meditating and doing lots of thinking about what the rest of this year has in store for me and us. Still no job offers yet for W so that has been affecting me more than what I had thought.

The quietness I think pretty much confirms that I should take this opportunity to drop back to part-time work.

Whilst many women will only go part-time because of children, I feel that it is a privilege also that whilst I currently do not have children, I should utilise this time to serve others during the week. Don't get me wrong- I don't have a problem with mums working part-time or not working at all because of their children.

I just feel right now................ as a married, childless woman that there are people (women in particular) and opportunities available during the week that I can fellowship and disciple, and be discipled myself.

One of the big things on my mind is how to get older, wiser women we know in our church to either formally or informally disciple younger women like myself and many others. Alot of women's bible studies are held during the day, so this automatically limits many young, working women and only reaches the young mums and non-working women in society. Is that something that should be changed?

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Trust & Obey

Never have these words ring so true.

To trust that things will be fine when things don't go to plan.
To trust that maybe that was not the opportunity to take.
To trust because something doesn't happen and that's OK.

It's easy to say 'yes I can/do trust you' and 'yes I am patient' but in reality I am not.

To be a person that can wake up each day with no material possessions.......nothing at all except a humble mind and spirit that says:

"God. I don't know where my next meal is and what it is that you have planned for me today. But I know that you can be trusted because you love me anyway, and I believe that Christ died for me and has paid the penalty for my sins. Because of this revelation, I trust that you will lead me and my family to do good things for your kingdom. If it is your will to take us on the most difficult path we have ever faced before, show me the way and I will leave everything behind and go. If this journey takes years and maybe eventually takes my life, I am willing to do that for you, for I know that you have the plans for me; plans to help me and not to harm me; plans to give me hope and a future. (ref Jer 29:11)"

This is how you Trust and Obey.