A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Toy Story 3 1/2

There is a rather large fascination with toys and stuffed animals around my part of the office. We have the Finding Nemo collectables from Maccas, Little Miss Chatterbox (Chatty), Mr Silly, Tassie Devil (Tazzie), Moshimoro (known as Pak Choi), the Platypus from Expo 88 (known as Oz) and a very scruffy-looking bear.

Every now and then, someone will discreetly throw either one or all of these over the top of your cubicle, causing you to either jump hysterically, knock off another stuffed animal that has been perched on top of the dividing wall, or spill your drink over your desk.

In the case of two particular male staff, the occasional game of brandy with the toys can start like a match being lit.

Who said accountants are boring?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we do that alot (flying toy vengeance). I question on whether this is proof that we're not dull.. :P

Joshi said...

it just proves how bored u guys are :P

Jan said...

The past week, when this happened, a female staff member managed to knock over her full cup of coffee on two separate occasions and spill it all over her keyboard and desk.