A place for my random thoughts, anecdotes and reflections of what I see and experience in this lifetime.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bust a Toad

Toad busting becomes tax deductible

The Minister for the Environment and Heritage has announced that that two toad-busting Western Australian environment groups, the Kimberley Toad Busters Inc and the Stop the Toad Foundation Inc, have been granted deductible gift recipient status.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

It all begins today

Tis the season to be a fanatic.

Unfortunately we have no tickets to the 'game' that started today, but will be going to the ODI in January 2007.

Whilst all other wives moan and grumble, this one is happy that the best summer game season has started.

But I'm sure it won't be long until we're sick of watching the following TV commercials:

-Solo (the image of that guy racing after the garbage truck on a wheelie bin to retrieve his can of Solo)
-3 Mobile

Let's drink to the David Boon and Ian Botham figurines, thanks to VB's latest marketing ploy, and the humble but nostalgic 'baggy green'.

*btw, does anyone actually have one?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Bubs, Bubs, Bubs

It appears to be the week of bubs this week:

K & M had their baby girl on Tuesday

R & K had their baby boy on Monday

To cap it all off, both couples had their babies in the same hospital.

Although it didn't happen this week, A & S had their baby boy last month!

Is there anyone else that is having a bub that I should know about?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

All expenses paid!

Last Friday night we went to a dinner at Michaels Riverside Restaurant that was thrown for two blokes who were retiring from duties at W's glass factory.

It's been a while since I've been to such work dinners where all expenses (including the taxi fare to the city) were paid for by the company......that also meant everyone was drinking to their hearts content. This also meant that almost every empty beer and wine bottle was scrutinised for the quality of the manufacture and defects. *rolls eyes*

It was also a fact that both W and myself were the youngest people there, amongst a bunch of 40-60 year-old people who have been working at the same company for at least 35 years! They even have 25 year and 40 year anniversaries for employees!

People nowadays don't last that long anymore. I mean, I can't see myself like that, must be generation-shift.

I surprisingly hit it off well with W's boss's wife, who's family has only been in Brisbane for 10 months. Bulk of the conversation was.....ahem.......fishing.....and them offering to take us out on their big boat into Moreton Bay for a weekend sometime. *rubs hands together with glee*

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Family Movies

Current dilemma- finding a suitable family movie (preferably G-rated) for our mission's movie night.

My all time favourite children's movie is Toy Story 2, but we mainly showcase a new movie that has been released either this year or in the last 2 years.

Shortlist includes:

The Incredibles
Ice Age- The Meltdown
Over the Hedge
Shrek 2

I haven't seen the Meltdown or Over the Hedge yet.....methinks I need to pay a friendly visit to the local video store. $1 Tuesdays here I come!